Good Food Brampton

A community-based non-profit, Good Food Brampton’s purpose is to provide local at-risk and homeless population easy access to nutritious and affordable food. Their online presence needed to be able to reach community members as well as possible donors. The organization contacted us and together we came up with a plan to kickstart a complete online project, as well as branding and logo development.

good-food-brampton portfolio screen

Web Design & Development

The logo became the backbone of the project and we developed it by envisioning the openness and warmth that Good Food provides its community members. The feeling of welcome and belonging part of Good Food Brampton’s location is fully represented in its logo. The heart at the center of the logo focuses on the social aspect of the organization whilst the fork and spoon focus on the culinary experience that is at the core of the organization. The website was created using Joomla CMS, and the colors of the logo guided the appearance and style of the site as a whole. We carried on these elements from the logo and applied them to their stationery as well to ensure their identity and philosophy is presented cohesively achieving maximum flow. They were very pleased to see their requests come to life. The website has become an effective source in getting more people from the community involved with Good Food Brampton. We continue to fully support what the group does and we try to do our part by volunteering our time with website updates.

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cabin typographyCABIN

Color Palette

gfb colour palette

The logo we developed was based on expressing the openness and warmth of community that a visitor would feel when visiting Good Food Brampton.

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Responsive Design

Whether at home or on the go, our designers and developers made it possible for community members to connect with Good Food Brampton and get all of the information they need in a simplified way.

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good-food-brampton ipad
good-food-brampton iphone

“Our experience with SLK IT Solutions has just been phenomenal. You can tell that they care about you and the growth of your business.”
Tom - Community Kitchen Manager of Good Food Brampton


Interested in a Non Profit Website?