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Be the master of your domain.

We all know that securing an appropriate domain name is imperative to the online success of your business. A domain name is basically your Internet address, but more importantly, it’s how people recognize and find you online.

It is extremely beneficial for anyone looking to create an independent business website to invest a small amount of money to register their own domain name and pay for their website’s hosting. Neither will cost a significant amount of money but are essential in order to have control over your own domain

 dellIt’s important to remember that a domain name is like a piece of property - whoever registers the name, owns it. Therefore, it’s imperative that you register your own domain name through a domain name registrar. Afterward, you can choose an appropriate website hosting company which will house the computer files for your website. 

By having control over your own domain you can ensure that should something happen and your current hosting provider is no longer available, you can easily direct your domain name to a new host.

If you hire someone else to register your domain you are essentially handing over control of your domain and your company’s current website files. The domain is the key to your whole website and without it, someone else is in complete control. At that point, if you want to regain control of your domain you would have to purchase it from the person who originally registered it, which could prove to be costly.

Remember, you register the domain name, you own it! Take control and be sure to always register your own domains. Click here  for your .com registration or .ca registration with SLK I.T. Solutions.


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